Survey Shows Independent Authors Flourishing in 2022, Earning More than Traditional Publishers

The publishing industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with the rise of self-publishing leading to more opportunities for independent authors. According to a survey commissioned by the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), these authors are experiencing substantial gains in their income. The survey, which received about 2,200 respondents, went to independent authors in all major English-speaking countries, and received the largest response from the U.S., which accounted for about 52% of all respondents.

The survey found that self-published authors earned on average more than authors published by traditional houses, with the average income rising by 53% in 2022 compared to 2021, reaching a median of $12,749. This figure is higher than those of authors at traditional publishers. Moreover, nearly 60% of respondents said their income had risen in 2022 over 2021.

The report found that almost a quarter of respondents had not yet started to earn money from their writing, while 28% were generating more than six-figures. Almost half of the respondents (43.8%) reported income of more than $20,000. Additionally, the survey indicated that interest in self-publishing remains high, with 25% of respondents saying they had released their first book in 2020, and over half of the self-published authors had published more than 10 books.

The ALLi hopes that the survey’s results will show that self-publishing is a viable option for authors and that writers know that, if they do the work, they can make a living as an independent author. The survey’s findings should also encourage literary organizations to include independent authors in all their various initiatives, said Melissa Addey, ALLi’s campaigns manager. She added that it’s time for literary organizations to wake up to the realities of how authors work and earn in the 2020s and do right by all authors.

With self-publishing providing more opportunities for authors to earn a living from their writing, it’s an exciting time for the publishing industry. As the survey shows, independent authors are thriving, and with their growing influence, the industry is set to evolve even further in the years to come.