At Oppremo Books, we specialize in helping authors get their books into brick and mortar bookstores. By leveraging our expertise, you can save time and focus on what you do best: writing. Our team of professionals will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your book is showcased in the best possible light. Let us help you reach a wider audience and achieve your goals. Get in touch with us today and take your first step towards success!


Our Story

At Oppremo Books, we specialize in connecting your book titles with retail stores. Our expertise lies in providing solutions that often go overlooked by self-publishing authors, ensuring that your titles get the visibility and exposure they deserve. Let us help you take your self-publishing journey to the next level.


Let our team at Oppremo Books connect with you and explore how we can collaborate on wholesale distribution for your titles. We believe in the power of partnerships and working together to achieve mutual success. Contact us today to start the conversation and see how we can help take your book distribution to the next level.


We are dedicated to driving eCommerce success for authors by partnering with a variety of vendors. Our program is designed to provide authors with laser-focused attention and support, helping to boost your book’s visibility and sales. Let us help you achieve your eCommerce goals and take your author career to the next level.

At Oppremo Books, we’ve vertically integrated every aspect of the book distribution process. From acquisition to promotion, branding, and distribution, we handle it all so you don’t have to. We’re committed to removing all possible hassles and providing a seamless, stress-free publishing experience. Let us take care of everything so you can focus on what you do best – writing and creating amazing content.

Books have the unique ability to bring joy and lasting value to our lives. They are cherished, handled with care, and passed down from generation to generation. At Oppremo Books, we believe in the power of books to inspire and enrich our lives. Let us help you bring your stories to life and create books that will be cherished for years to come

Al Weinstein / Founder

Authors have the unique ability to create a lasting legacy and inspire readers to become the best version of themselves.

At Oppremo Books, we believe that your work deserves to be cherished by countless readers for generations to come.

Imagine your book in the hands of hundreds, even thousands of readers throughout time.

Books truly are timeless, and we’re committed to helping you share your story with the world.

Let us help you create a book that resonates with readers and stands the test of time.

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